Solutions for Food Processors

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Food Processing Essentials & Sundries

The Stuff No One Gets Exicted About (ever)

But Keeps Your Business Running Smoothly

If you are not careful it can end up being the small but crucial things that end up costing your business time and money.

  • Run out of bandsaw blades and you can't meet customer demand

  • Buy low quality mincer knives and plates and your expensive mixer grinder suddenly needs expensive repairs

  • Buy poor quality knives and your team take an age to cut

That's why we have put together a range of the very best sundries and essentials on the market so you don't have to worry

Click on the buttons below to find out more

Bandsaw Blades

If you want cheaper blades you'll find them no question but we don't believe you'll find better ones.

We're tested every UK manufacturer we can find and these blades offer the best value for money.

  • Quicker cutting so your staff are more productive

  • Long lasting so fewer blade changes

  • Less waste so you aren't throwing money in the bin

  • Efficient cutting so less strain on your machine

Prices start at £6.08 per blade

Heavy Duty Butchers Blocks

& Chopping Blocks

A wooden butchers block adds immensely to the visual appeal of your shop offering a warm rustic appeal. Wooden blocks are less abrasive on your knives so they stay sharp for longer.

We also supply heavy duty polyethene chopping blocks popular in factory settings. Being over 4" thick they last a long time. They are easy to maintain so you won't be replacing them regularly whilst being easy to clean.

Prices start at £518 for butchers blocks

and £325 for chopping boards

Chainmail Gloves, Gauntlets & Aprons

Maximum protection for your team? Absolutely the standard is EN 1802-1 if you are interested and these certainly meet that

Easy To Clean? Clip fastening to reduce bacteria build up and fully stainless steel

Long Wearing? Of course, we are committed to selling the best we can find or we'd rather show you wear you should be going

Cheapest? Afraid not we are committed to quality and quality comes at a price. We guarantee you'll find cheaper alternatives just not better ones

Prices start from £75 for gloves

Handsaw Frames & Blades

Lots of people sell Kamlock Handsaws (probably because they are the best) so feel free to shop around.

The two main features are the comfortable handle and the quick release lever so changing a blade is very quick and automatically tensioned correctly

The frames are robust and made fully of stainless steel and the blades are made from carbon steel.

Other than that there isn't much to say about them but they are very popular and not the cheapest.

Prices start from £57.15 for frames

and £4.34 for blades

Food Safe Lubricants & Grease

You want to know that anything that might come in contact with the food you are producing is 100% safe.

That's why we stock a vast range of completely food safe greases, sprays, oils, cleaners and lubricants for bearings, chains, gears, conveyor belts - anything that moves.

Whether you need the product to work at high temperatures or just when contact might be incidental we have something for you.

The range is enormous that's why its better to speak to a member of our team about your requirements and we can advise on the best products for you.

Chef & Butcher Knives

If you are still looking for the cheapest then look away now!

There is nothing more frustating than seeing a chef or butcher struggling to cut with sub standard knives so you only want the best.

Using poor quality knives just means your staff are taking longer ot cut, cuts aren't as clean and this all adds up to a lack of productivity and that costs you money

We supply a full range of top quality knives from Victorinox, Frederick Dick and Samuel Staniforth so you don't have to worry about any loss of productivity.

Mincer/Mixer Grinder Knives & Plates

Before we start you will definitely find cheaper knives and plates on the market. If you want the cheapest then we suggest you look elsewhere.

Its because all knives and plates aren't born equal. Like a Ford Fiesta isn't equal to a Ferrari.

If you've invested thousands of pounds in a machine you want use knives and plates that are going to work quickly and efficiently so you produce great mince without putting too much strain on the machine.

We get very passionate about this because 9 times out of 10 when our engineers are dealing with problems high quality, sharp knives and plates would have prevented it.

Prices for 32 Plates start from £73

and 52 Plates from £157

Fat Beaters, Block Scrapers, Hand Tenderisers, Mincer Plungers etc

All the other stuff you may need just to keep your business ticking over. Items such as fat beaters to tenderise meat, block scrapers to keep your chopping blocks in top condition, mincer plungers in case you've lost or damaged yours.

All the sundries you're definitely not going to get excited about but you'll miss when you haven't got it.

Leave your details below to make an enquiry and a

member of the team will be in touch as soon as possible

Tel: 0203 488 8364

Whats App: 07518297660

Email: [email protected]

Cibamat is a trading name of Cibatum Group Ltd Reg No. 11916176 Address 116 Hill House, 210 Upper Richmond Road, London, SW15 6NP

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